torsdag, november 08, 2007

Bohemian skins playing golf

This used to be a river, now it's a long park. I wish there where a park like that in Oslo. Maybe they can turn Akerselva into a park...

This park have something for everybody

If you can't afford a gym, you could always train outside

This is from the rough guide to Spain: There are three main types of police: the Guardia Civil, the Policía Municipal and the Policía Nacional
The Guardia Civil, in green uniforms, are the most officious and the ones to avoid.Thought their role has been cut back since they operated as Franco's right hand, they remain a reactionary force.
If you do need the police - and above all if you're reporting a serious crime such as rape - you should always go to the more sympathetic Policía Municipal, who wear blue-and-white uniforms with red trim. In the countryside there may be only the Guardia Civil; though they're usually helpful, they are inclined to resent the suggestion that any crimes exists on their turf and you may end up feeling as if you are the one who stands accused.
The brown-uniformed Policía Nacional are mainly seen in cities, armed with submachine guns and guarding key installations such as embassies, stations, post offices and their own barracks. They are also the force used to control crowds and demonstrations.
The picture is of Policía Local, and I don't know where they fit in the police hierarchy, but I think they are some kind of traffic police...

I like flowers in November. I wish there was more flowers in Norway in November

First I thought that this was limes, but then I discovered someone who looked like lemons. It's in the citrus family at least

As mention earlier, in Spain they will throw away anything. I hope somebody raids the trash here so that some of the things will survive.

...double parking in Spain, never seen or heard about...

I don't understand why someone would write this, but somebody did. And now I will always wonder if it was a code for something.

torsdag, november 01, 2007

Todos los santos

Her er det nye jeg har funnet ut. Jeg liker ikke å skrive blogg, men for å holde dere oppdatert skal jeg heller legge ut diverse bilder...

I Valencia kan man kaste alt så lenge man setter det ved siden av søppelkonteineren. Og siden det i dag var en helligdag virket det som flere hadde kastet ut unyttige ting.
Og klokken kvart på seks om kvelden er det så varmt ute.
Og sånn som dette ser bakgården "min" ut. Ikke noe fellesarealer til glede for alle.